I actually created this blog to explore me. The only thing that I do know is that knitting could easily consume my life so I decided to join a community of people who feel the same way. I've been crocheting since I was about 10, but I didn't come over to the dark side until a few years ago, and even then it was just scarves and easy stitches because knitting scared the hell out of me. (So many needles! They're like damned Pokemon! I still find myself annoyed that I can't afford to catch 'em all!)
One day, I decided I'd had enough stockinette stitch and that I actually wanted to create something that looked hard. I wanted people to look at it and go, "Wow. I bet that was hard. You did that." Yeah, I'm a complete narcissist (who isn't? I wouldn't know. Too concerned with myself to find out.). Anyway, so I found this pattern called the Boredom Buster Bag. I looked up Fair Isle. Decided the technique and finished product was sufficiently amazing. Taught myself the two-fisted method from a few YouTube videos (in the process converting myself to a continental knitter because it's "so much faster") and I finished it! . . . Well almost. The shoulder strap still awaits my sewing it on. I hate to sew.
After that, I tried some socks. Made one out of some beautiful bright green dreadful acrylic that I picked up from Michael's. Finished it. Lost it because it's made of acrylic and I never had any intention of wearing it. Never finished the other one. Knowing that I COULD make one was enough. Then I made the SnapDragon Tam from Ysolda Teague's book "Whimsical Little Knits 2." Fell in love with Madelinetosh yarn as well as everything Ysolda (Ya-zolda? Ee-Zolda? Is that how you say her name? I've no idea. Really great name though. Wish it was mine. My name is Sherry, by the way. I should probably end these parentheses now.)
And then... I stopped knitting for awhile (gasp!). I just didn't want to. I had conquered the Ysolda beast. I had a cool tam that satisfied my vain need for people to say, "That's a cool hat." and for me to be able to reply, "Yeah? I made it!" and then they would invariably fall at my feet. Or just say "Wow." That worked too.
Then my boyfriend, Tom, wanted a hat. I love Tom very much and it was an easy hat, so I carefully placed my selfish-knitter tendencies aside, and made him a hat in the colors of his favorite team (West Virginia Mountaineers - this is where I live, by the way. Looking to move to Pittsburgh soon though. There I go with those parentheses again.) Anyway, so the hat was made. Check. But... I was on holiday break from college. I wanted something else on my needles. So I started looking for socks again. And found none other than Cookie A! Amazing stuff. I'm currently making a pair of the "Pointelle" from her book Knit, Sock, Love. And I couldn't be happier.
This was a very long rant about me with not a lot of useful information. I'm okay with that. I'm sure if you continue reading my posts (and I continue making them) you'll learn quite enough and more. My friend(s) say I'm an over-sharer. :-)
For more information on the Me Monster joke...
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