I hope that anyone reading this blog (doubtful) gets that the title of this post isn't really how I speak. I always worry about people getting me. I just spent two hours writing three emails to prospective employers that my favorite professor put me in touch with. Not productive. I read them over and over again to make sure they sound okay, then decide they don't, rewrite them, and read them again only to decide I liked it better before. Ridiculous. I used to think that I didn't like myself and that was the reason for all of the editing and rewording. I was trying to become a different, more acceptable person. However, I like myself. I really do. It's taken me awhile to figure this out. Actually, just now it dawned on me. I like myself but most of my personality is usually mistaken for something else. People just seem to miss my jokes or general tone a lot of the time. Perhaps it's poor execution. Like I have a stutter that I'm unaware of. (Is it okay to end sentences with prepositions now? I thought I heard that somewhere...) It's good that I can't edit my daily conversation the way that I edit my emails. I'd never get a word out.
Anyway, so blogging is hard. It's December 12th or something-teenth today. My last post was on the 4th. I always thought that if I actually started a blog, I would be writing in it every day. Not true. Some days, I'd just rather not, or I don't have time, or if I do, I'd rather knit. Today I have time because I woke up at 7am to take two final exams before I was even fully awake or able to comprehend why I was awake. Since it's finals week, I'm not going to work at my internship on the days that I have exams, thus leaving me with the rest of the day to knit, blog, drool over Madelinetosh, or do any number of activities that I see fit. I found the silver lining of finals week! No, no, hold your Nobel Prize(s) please. <- - Did you get that? Was it funny? Not funny? I don't know. It wasn't funny to me. Maybe lopsided smile amusing. What I find actually funny most people just find offensive.
Speaking of offensive, today I came home and stopped wearing a bra. Then I had a tank top on over the absence of the bra. I am not a girl who is comfortable in her own skin, so I would completely die if anyone ever saw me like that. Anyway, so I was staring in the mirror imbibing my daily dose of self-deprecation when I realized that my boobs are comparable to that of a 90-year-old woman. Just so damned saggy. I don't know what made me decide to write this here. It's probably inappropriate. I just feel censored all the time anymore and I'm really tired of it. Anyway, so yeah. Not a fan of my breasts today. Good talk.
So since this blog isn't called Knitting Around My Boobs (although maybe it should be... might get more hits that way), I guess I should get on with what I happen to be knitting at the moment. The other Cookie A sock. Nothing amazing. I finished the other one. I should post pictures, but it takes so much effort. Eventually I will.
In addition to the second sock, I am also attempting to make my own pop-over mittens out of this amazing Bamboo Silky concoction of a yarn that I didn't even know existed. That's one good thing about being a relatively new knitter - still being amazed daily by the wonders of yarn. Not sure how those are going to turn out, but my hands are absolutely freezing every morning so I just hope they turn out soon. I should go work on those. Decide what I'm going to take to knitting group tonight. I took the sock last week. . . It was difficult to keep everything straight on it because of the chart. I wanted to socialize but found that I was unable to do both. Hmm. Mittens it is, I suppose.
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