Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tragic How Significantly Insignificant We All Are

So I'm hanging out on my couch, knitting a sweater that I started like two months ago. I'm watching 'How the Universe Works' on Netflix. I was hoping it would be more interesting, but so far it's little more than what my CATS 10 teacher fast-forwarded through in high school. Still on though cause I don't know what else to watch.

Anyway, so on to how insignificant we all are: if this little documentary that I've got on in the background has reminded me of anything, it is how completely insignificant we all are. But then I started thinking - I don't feel insignificant and I don't know one person who does. When I ponder how tiny our world is in such a vast universe, of which we have no proof is significant itself, I am able, for a few seconds, to put my life and problems in perspective. It's sort of freeing. However, no matter how hard I try, I can't hold onto that feeling for long. This lead me to reflect upon how ridiculously tragic the human perspective really is: We are so tiny and insignificant to everything and most of everyone around us, but being human means that we will experience this reality as if we are the center of it. What a conflict this causes.

That was my philosophical meandering for the day, and I'm not entirely sure I've articulated it correctly or just stated something obvious. Huh. I'm going to look around and see if this concept has a name since I'm sure I'm not the first person to ever think about it.

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